Consulting - Coaching - Investments

Sanbrain offers individual coaching, consulting and investments.
We create custom project modules primarily in the field of building technology.

Your hybrid business consultancy around building technology.

We are well-versed and well-connected. Building technology has been our working field for the past 35 years. Benefit from our network of competence and define your consulting needs. Internationally operating companies strategically complement our portfolio, in cases of necessity. Whether it’s private equity models, law firms, or specialized attorneys, we are also perfectly prepared for international plans.


Unser Vorsitzender @sanbrain2016 bringt es mal wieder auf den Punkt! Danke für den fortwährenden und unermüdlichen Einsatz in Sachen #Trinkwasserhygiene | Danke auch @GeorgFischer

Die Umnutzung von Bürogebäuden zu Wohngebäuden erfordert innovative Haustechniklösungen. Darauf weist @sanbrain2016 -Chef Joachim Stücke hin. #warmwasserversorgung #trinkwasser #hygiene - alle Infos auf

Was braucht #Innovation? Eine breite Akzeptanz - und wie erreicht man die? Durch transparente Kommunikation. Damit setzt Zarah Lammèl unsere Statement-Reihe fort. Mehr auf
#Zukunft #Trend #Technologie #Erfolg #Transparenz #BKPLUS @sanbrain2016 @fabianhaun

Zumindest ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung . Wohneigentum: Familien-Förderung für Kauf sanierungsbedürftiger Immobilien ⁦@BAUKULTUR⁩

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More than 35 years of experience

In house and building technology


We live in challenging times. Building the right and sustainable structures for this, and always being solution-oriented, empathetic, and positive – these are the characteristics that define me as a person and drive me anew every day.


Benefit from 35 years of international experience in various leadership positions and company sizes. Highest leadership qualities and modern corporate management have contributed to multiple successful projects.


Whether politics, architecture, commerce, industry, associations, design agencies, legal profession or private equity – here we exclusively work together with the best addresses and contacts from each respective field.

building technology? .

As a ‚child‘ of building technology, I have personally been accompanying this exciting and ever-changing field for over 35 years now. We work together in one of THE industries of the future! Whether it’s architecture, sustainable construction, innovative product solutions, modern water, climate, and heating concepts – we are up to date! We also have the respective networks internationally.


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Our competence fields.

These are our fields of expertise, and they define your support needs. Example: Sales Support, our specialty! As passionate sales professionals, we understand the needs of both sides. How can we successfully achieve the company’s set goals? Realistic milestones for sustainable implementation, with regular success checks using your IT tools (CRM, etc.), are the professional path to success.

turning your ideas   

into success .